B-24 "Liberator" Visit Sept 04 Oxford, Ct.Airport
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A restored B-24 similar to Frank's Aircraft was visited at the Oxford, Ct. Airport by Jean, Frank, Skip, Rick, Marybeth, Karen, Matthew, Joshua & Bill.
There was also a B-17 at the Airport.For info check www.collingsfoundation.org
  Frank's name is on the side of the plane.  

Aunt Jean flying the B24 over Waterbury

Rick campaigning for John Kerry

B-24 Bomber with Uncle Frank's name on side of aircraft

B-24 Stats


Bomb Bay Doors

Bill at Tail Gun

Flight Deck

Matt & Joshua next to Frank's name

Tarmac View

Tour Guide Rick

Group Shot


Nose Gun

Rick & Bill

Rick in Bomb Bay




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