Rick's 60th Surprise Birthday Party
Saturday September 4, 2004 or
As Rick Said "At least I didn't have to watch ND lose to BYU 20-17"
"As I See it" Comments by Rick

On September 4th, Family and Friends of Rick came as far away as Denver to join in celebrating his 60th Birthday. Connie and Debbie came up from Florida (to escape the Hurricane).

Held at Greenwoods in Bethel, It was a great time. Everyone had some nice (and some not so nice) things to say about Rick. Many who could not attend send cards and gifts. We can't wait until the 70th !

Rick Coming in                   Deb

Click on Photos to Enlarge !

Deb, Rick, Connnie                 Rick

Cutting the cake

Rick & Connie

opening presents

Birthday Table

Rick, Frank, Skip


Deb & Skip

Fran, Maggie, Anna

Sam, Laura, Robin

Lynn's Speech

Rick hiding

Deb & Rick

Deb, Rick & Connie

Rick, Connie, Gina

Opening Gifts

Sam, Laura, Robin

Frank & Fran

Sal, Frank, Rick

Gina, Deb, Marylou

Maggie, Anna, Lynn & Beth


Infamous Inmates of Alcatraz

Gina & Sarah

Head Table

Fran, Maggie, Anna

Fran & Robin


Rick, Con, & Gina

Rick posing for some outside pictures

Sal, Maggie, Frank, Fran

Robin & Skip

Rick, Gina & Rhonda

Anna, Lynn, Maggie & Rick

Deb, Rick, Skip & Connie

Head Table

Bad end of the table

Deb, Rick, Skip, & Connie

Rick & Sarah

Frank & Sal

Gina, Connie, Marylou

Banquet Table

Maggie, Anna, Lynn & Beth

Rick and Friends

Debbie, Lynn , Rick & the talking Bear


Rick & Maggie

Sarah & Buddy

Email with Comments/Corrections
       Skip                            Frank

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